
PHP Ajax Progress Bar

  • Posted on: 10 April 2016
  • By: admin

After my previous article about creating PHP Progress Bar using flush() function and Javascript, I try to create another PHP progress bar using different approach. This time, I will not use flush() function. Instead, I will use Ajax method and jQuery to accomplish the task. Basically, in this new progress bar we will use jQuery Ajax library to trigger the long running process in the web server and then use jQuery Ajax library again to read the progress status and display it in the browser.

Thousand Separator Using JQuery LazzyNumeric

  • Posted on: 22 August 2015
  • By: admin

Web application that require numeric textfield is not rare thing anymore. Even the financial application which using a lot of numeric textfields has a web based version now. When working with desktop application development we can easily use the textfield with the automatic thousand separator by applying the mask feature or anything like that. It's very different case if we are working with web application development. The HTML input element doesn't has the thousand separator support yet, so we have to use Javascript to accomplish the task.

JQuery Ajax Validation Plugin

  • Posted on: 15 May 2015
  • By: admin

The jQuery form plugin by malsup is an excellent plugin when we want to use Ajax feature when submitting the web form. It will be more cool if we can add validation feature to mark the fields which contain error. For security reason, the validation itself will be done in server side not in client side. This plugin is intended to achive that.

Ajax Popup Search With JQuery Lookup Box

  • Posted on: 30 July 2013
  • By: admin

Lookup Box is name for this jQuery plugin. This plugin can help you to create an Ajax popup window to search the data from database then put it into your texfield after you click it. For the example, you might want to enter User Id in a textbox but you only know the User Name. With this plugin, you can search the user by the name in a popup window. When you click the User Name, the text field will be filled with User Id automatically.
