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Social Media Mining and Security: Leveraging AI to Analyze Publicly Shared Information for Risk Assessment

  • Posted on: 21 April 2024
  • By: admin

There’s no doubt that social media plays a significant role in the digital age. It has not only transformed the way we build relationships and businesses but has also become a virtual library of publicly shared information
But analyzing vast amounts of data is no easy feat. Taking advantage of seemingly free-flowing information requires a careful understanding of security risks and the strategic use of the right tools. Luckily, you can make the most out of social media with a relatively new ally—Artificial Intelligence or AI. In this post, we’ll look into how AI can aid businesses and other entities, particularly when it comes to social media mining and risk assessment.

How To Minimize Risks When Releasing Software In High-Load Environments

  • Posted on: 20 March 2024
  • By: admin

One of the most critical challenges in software development is providing users with updates and new features without causing any hiccups or downtime. Many development teams used to plan deployments for times throughout the night or during the day when users were least likely to be accessing the applications. Easy-to-find deployment windows are no longer relevant since customers want cloud-based, round-the-clock environments accessible in all time zones. Fortunately, blue-green and canary deployment configurations are popular strategies that avoid risks and downtime almost wholly.

Google Apps Script for Converting Google Spreadsheet to Google Form

  • Posted on: 23 January 2021
  • By: admin

Please consider the following problem. We have some kind of questions bank which we stored in spreadsheet like Excel or anything similar. One day, we want to create an online quiz with Google Form based on the questions bank we had. How can we generate the online quiz in easy and fast way? By using Google Apps Script we can automate the task of converting the questions from Google Spreadsheet into Google Form. The script will generate the final Google Form which we can use and share to our respondents later.

Working With Fluxbox In Linux Mint Cinnamon 19

  • Posted on: 23 June 2019
  • By: admin

Recently, I tried to find out the alternatives of how to make my Linux Mint 19 (Tara) Cinnamon Edition to be more lightweight. There are some options such as installing the light Desktop Environment (DE) such as Xfce, LXDE, or LXQt. Those DEs are bundled with their specific applications such as file managers, text editors, etc. which will also be installed. Therefore, there will be duplication of applications for each task in my system which I don't prefer. So, my decision fall to installing Fluxbox. It's only a window manager and I just have the available applications from Mint to use.

