
Ajax Popup Search With JQuery Lookup Box

  • Posted on: 30 July 2013
  • By: admin

Lookup Box is name for this jQuery plugin. This plugin can help you to create an Ajax popup window to search the data from database then put it into your texfield after you click it. For the example, you might want to enter User Id in a textbox but you only know the User Name. With this plugin, you can search the user by the name in a popup window. When you click the User Name, the text field will be filled with User Id automatically.

JQuery Cool Auto-Suggest

  • Posted on: 11 June 2011
  • By: admin

This is the page for release updates of my jQuery Cool Auto-Suggest plugin. This new version still has the compatible features from the older one. The features are :

  • Supports for ID field.
  • Supports image thumbnail and description
  • Supports form submission on click.
  • Callback function when item is selected.
  • Error callback function for custom error message.
  • Able to pass additional request parameters based on other input's value.
  • Compatible on various screen sizes and mobile devices.
  • Supports for default template overriding.

JQuery Plugin For Collapsible Fieldset

  • Posted on: 2 April 2011
  • By: admin

If you need to create collapsible and expandable fieldset, this jQuery plugin might be helpful. This plugin can collapsed or hide fieldset and it's content by clicking it's legend. You can also decide the initial state for your fieldset wheter it's expanded or collapsed. The separated CSS file will also useful if you need to modify the fieldset appearance. By the way, I named this plugin coolfieldset.

JQuery Plugin For Ajax Auto-Suggest

  • Posted on: 22 January 2011
  • By: admin

This jQuery plugin will help you to create an AJAX auto-suggest or auto-complete textfield easily. Some features it has are :

  • Customizable styles via one CSS file.
  • You can set its width to automatically adjust to the textfield's width or your preferred width.
  • You can specify how many characters typed to trigger the auto-suggest.
  • Stay on top of combobox in IE 6.
  • The data transferred from server is using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
